Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hiding SharePoint list field (column) from newform and editform using powershell - SharePoint 2010

Use the below power shell command to hide a particular  column in a sharepoint list from the newform and editform.

$WebUrl = "http://sitecollectionurl"
Write-Host "Opening Web" $WebUrl
$web = Get-SPWeb $WebUrl

$list = $web.Lists["ListName"];

$FieldGuid = New-Object System.Guid("cc9576b6-a166-47c9-bd89-7f47a3237e03");

$Field = $list.Fields[$FieldGuid];

$Field.ShowInNewForm = $false;
$Field.ShowInDisplayForm = $true;
$Field.ShowInEditForm = $false



Here, replace the $WebUrl with your site collection URL, and replace the "ListName" with your SPList name.

And replace the Guid"cc9576b6-a166-47c9-bd89-7f47a3237e03" with the id of the field to be hidden.

For getting the id of the field , you can use 'SharePoint Manager' tool and will be downloaded from here. Its from codeplex and it is free.

Show property bag values (web properties) in content editor webpart - SharePoint 2010


Showing the property bag values of a site  in a content editor Web Part using JavaScript.


The property bag values can be called as web/site properties for a particular site.
We can see the property bag values from the SharePoint designer or you can use power shell command to see it.

In SharePoint designer , the property bag values can be seen in the site options, like the below


Using javascript, fetching the properties and putting the scripts in a content editor webpart.

Use the below javascript code

<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>

 //wait until client object model dependencies are loaded before executing our code
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(getWebProperties, "sp.js");

var webProperties;

function getvalue(value)
 return webProperties.get_item((value));


function getWebProperties()

    var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();

    webProperties = clientContext.get_web().get_allProperties();

    clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.getWebPropertiesSucceeded),
 Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed));

function getWebPropertiesSucceeded() {

var allProps = webProperties.get_fieldValues();

document.getElementById('lblName').innerHTML= webProperties.get_item('mycustomproperty');

var customProp = "";

         //make sure the property is there before using it.

if(webProperties.get_fieldValues().CustomSite_Version != undefined)

var customProp = webProperties.get_fieldValues().CustomSite_Version;


function onQueryFailed(args, sender)
     //handle errors here


<label style="font-weight:bold" id="lblName"></label> <br/>

Add this javascript code (including the label) in the content editor webpart's html source


You cannot invalidate the SPRequest object while it’s in use in SharePoint 2010


If you are passing SPWeb object in the thread method, you will get this exception.

Suppose in the main thread , you have created the SPWeb object and pass this object to a thread method, like this,

 using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
                        using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())

                            activateThread = new Thread(delegate()

Here the SPWeb object 'web' is passing to the thread method 'Activate'. The issue is because of this only.


Don't pass the SPWeb object from main thread (Application Thread) to a thread method. Instead create the SPWeb object inside the thread method (Here Activate method) and dispose the web object there.