Use the below power shell command to hide a particular column in a sharepoint list from the newform and editform.
$WebUrl = "http://sitecollectionurl"
Write-Host "Opening Web" $WebUrl
$web = Get-SPWeb $WebUrl
$list = $web.Lists["ListName"];
$FieldGuid = New-Object System.Guid("cc9576b6-a166-47c9-bd89-7f47a3237e03");
$Field = $list.Fields[$FieldGuid];
$Field.ShowInNewForm = $false;
$Field.ShowInDisplayForm = $true;
$Field.ShowInEditForm = $false
Here, replace the $WebUrl with your site collection URL, and replace the "ListName" with your SPList name.
And replace the Guid"cc9576b6-a166-47c9-bd89-7f47a3237e03" with the id of the field to be hidden.
For getting the id of the field , you can use 'SharePoint Manager' tool and will be downloaded from here. Its from codeplex and it is free.